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Award – winning Project Title of Award
Development of a complete set of 10KTA SBS technology

The first prize of National ASTP*                      

The Golden Medal of Nation AEED*

Complete set of technology caprolactam production by cyclohexanone ammoximation process The second prize of National ASTP*
10 KTA ionic membrane caustic soda plant, YGPW (Yueyang General Petrochemical Works) The Silver Medal of National AEED*
3500KTA PET filament plant, YGPW The Silver Medal of National AEED*
Expansion and revamping of 70KTA caprolactam plant, SINOPEC Baling Branch The Bronze Medal of National AEED*
Technical upgrading of 50KTA SBS plant, YGPW The Bronze Medal of National AEED*
Revamping of 8KTA caprolactam polymerization plant, YGPW The Bronze Medal of National AEED*
Development of a complete set of 140KTA caprolactam technology The first prize of Sinopec Group ASTP*
Expansion and technical upgrade of caprolactam plant from 60KTA to 70KTA The first prize of Sinopec Group ASTP*
Expansion and technical upgrading of caprolactam plant from 50KTA to 65KTA The second prize of Sinopec Group ASTP*
2KTA epoxy propane pilot plant The second prize of Sinopec Group ASTP*
Development of flue gas desulfurization technology by ammonia process The second prize of Sinopec Group ASTP*
Revamping of 10KTA cyclohexanone plant The third prize of Sinopec Group ASTP*
Synthesis and purification of chlorobutane The third prize of Sinopec Group ASTP*
The engineering technology of the texahydro benzoic acid-cyclohexanone oxime or benzene-methylbenzene combine with caprolactam The third prize of Sinopec Technological Innovation.
Epoxy organochlorine series engineering The second prize of Sinopec Group AEED*
Expansion and revamping of 5KTA epoxy resin plant, YGPW The second prize of Sinopec Group AEED*
60KTA special lithium polymer plant, SINOPEC Baling Branch The second prize of Sinopec Group AEED*
Building gas holder and revamping of gas recovery system ,SINOPEC Wuhan Branch The third prize of Sinopec Group AEED
Feasibility study of 1000KTA deep processing of heavy oil. Xinjiang Huiying Petrochemical Co.Ltd. The second prize of Hubei Province excellent
engineering consulting achievements
Feasibility study on revamping of 1200KTA delayed coking plant,SINOPEC Wuhan Branch The second prize of Hubei Province excellent
engineering consulting achievements
Feasibility study on 1000KTA of condensate oil separation processing production of organic chemical raw material,Weifang Shida Chang sheng Energy Technology Co Ltd. The third prize of Hubei Province excellent
engineering consulting achievements
Feasibility study on revamping of 5000KTA atmospheric and vacuum plant ,SINOPEC Wuhan Branch The third prize of Hubei Province excellent
engineering consulting achievements

ASTP: Award for Science and Technology Progress                                            

AEED: Award for Excellent Engineering Design